以「漂浮珍奶杯」轟動一時的品牌「FLOAT」,用「不用吸管也能喝到珍奶」的創意解決了環保杯喝不到珍珠奶茶的問題,2022 年打造全新品牌「Float Living」,將延續「提供良好使用體驗以達到永續」的精神,將更多美好的產品帶到大家的生活中! 類聚團隊與 Float Living 合作,執行了 Logo、標準字與視覺調性的品牌更新,將漂浮杯的意象融入品牌標誌中,並延續此精神,帶入充滿居家生活想像的延伸應用裡,從大自然的配色、到彎曲飄逸的標語設計,將視覺與產品之間,用更輕鬆、方便且創意的生活感受連結在一起。 期待 Float Living 推出更多永續、且創意的產品,友善環境、美好生活。
The popular reusable boba cup brand "FLOAT," decided to launch a new brand called "Float Living" in 2022. Float Living focuses on creating high-quality, sustainable, and visually pleasing daily products. Grandvity Design created a logo that incorporates the imagery of a Boba cup, paying homage to their previous brand, "FLOAT." The brand aims to create a laid-back, convenient, and creative living experience with a natural color palette and playful slogan placement.
Client | Float Living
Production | Grandvity Design
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Account Manager | Grape Chiu
Project Manager | Sarah Peng
Design Director | Si Jia Sun
Logotype Designer | Jasmine Lin / Show Yen
Visual System Designer | Patricia Ho
Portfolio Designer | Jasmine Lin / Patricia Ho
Font|Arphic Fonts 文鼎字型