Trillion One 的母公司為 Taiwan Tour,是有 20 年經驗的專業旅行社,於 2022 年轉型編制,串接「旅遊規劃」與「活動策展」的資源,打造出新型態的整合行銷服務,為國內外的展覽、會議、活動、策展與旅遊,規劃出專業、創新的獨特體驗。
類聚與 Trillion One 協同合作,從品牌命名開始,以 Trip + Vison 兩單字作為核心概念:「旅行」與「視野」,並將兩單字的字母「i」代表顧客關係,用「兆」字的形象轉譯為「illi」,將其結合出不只是「兆」字意義的「Trillion」,再以「One」來詮釋「兆中選一」的服務理念。
要將品牌命名的創意用視覺設計呈現,是此次合作最大的挑戰,類聚以專業又好閱讀的黑體作為基礎架構,並將「1」藏入「il」字母的負空間中、而字母「e」也藏入了飛機起飛意象的 12 度,意涵著兆 = 1012,成功地將品牌故事藏入標準字中。
Trillion One, the parent company of Taiwan Tour, is an experienced travel agency that underwent a transformation in 2022. It integrates "travel planning" and "event curation" to offer an integrated marketing service.
Grandvity Design handled the visual identity and naming for Trillion One. We chose "trip" and "vision" to capture their brand concept and used the letter "i" to symbolize customer relationships. By expanding "i" to "illi," we seamlessly integrated 兆 (trillion in Mandarin) into "Trillion." Additionally, we added "One" after "Trillion" to communicate the service philosophy of being "One in a trillion."
In addition, the logo cleverly hides "1" within the negative space of the letter "il”. The letter "e" is slanted at 12 degrees, referencing that a trillion is 1012, and a plane taking off as a symbol of travel.
Client | Trillion One
Production | Grandvity Design
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Account Manager | Grape Chiu
Project Manager | Sarah Peng
Design Director | Si Jia Sun
Logotype Designer | Noodle Wang
Visual System Designer | Jason Lee
Portfolio Designer | Jason Lee / Hugo Tseng
Font | Arphic Fonts 文鼎字型