花藝、咖啡、調酒複合式空間,藏身於都市中的 inBush 位於新竹科學園區,結合德國花藝、咖啡、日式調酒,提供擁有多重身份的都市人暫時落腳的林蔭之所,打造在這時代安放自己的出口。
inBush 意思為「藏身於灌木叢之中」,LOGO中的”U” ,呈現座椅下陷的柔軟感,能承接你一天煩悶與壓力的重量之外,更展現花藝、咖啡、調酒三個空間所串連出來的流動感,彷彿聽見了爵士樂的節奏。
“B” 則為手把與拉花的意象,就如進入 inBush 後開啟感官新世界的媒介,植物及圓弧線條的圖騰,搭配標準色 Midnignt Blue、Forest Green、Mahogany Red ,賦予品牌高雅與經典雋永的氣息。
inBush is a flower shop and cafe during the day and a bar at night located in Hsinchu Science Park. Its visual identity combines German floral art, coffee, and Japanese bartending to provide city-goers with a temporary shelter.
inBush means "hide in the bush''. The "U" of the logo represents the soft curves of the seat that can bear the weight of your day's boredom and stress. It also symbolizes the flow between the interchanging spaces of flower art, coffee, and bartending.Additionally, the "B" mimics the image of the handle and latte art.
As you enter inBush, you experience a whole new classic elegance and timeless atmosphere created by the plant totems, and arc line patterns, matched with the Midnight Blue, Forest Green, and Mahogany Red.
Client | inBush
Production | Grandvity Design
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Project Manager | Sarah Peng / Grape Chiu
Designer Director | Si Jia Sun
Logotype Designer | Noodle Wang
Portfolio Designer | Jasmine Lin / Patricia Ho
Illustrator | Tai Jiang Lin
Font | Arphic Fonts 文鼎字型