【 橋日子 CHEW LIFE LAB 】 前身為【 橋下餐酒館 】已於新竹成立 8年,創辦人 Ryan 期待能給予都市中每位忙碌的靈魂一個避難所,將品牌轉型重塑,提供一個不限時間、不收服務費的舒服餐飲空間,以幽默的態度包容不同樣貌的人,讓大家在這舒舒服服地「橋」日子。
Logo 以積木的形象呈現出「橋一下」的概念,搭配斜體英文字,呈現品牌幽默不拘束的調性,不同於普遍文青咖啡廳的冰冷空間,橋日子在大面積的暖白中,搭配深藍、暗橘、金色作點綴,提供有溫度的場域,拉近與顧客之間的距離。
Nowhere to hide? Come to Chew. Snack or meal? Come to Chew. Life is blue? Come to Chew. 無論開心或難過,一起來橋日子品嘗生活的慵懶時光吧!
The Mandarin word "橋" holds multiple meanings, including "bridge," "making adjustments," and "spicing things up." Drawing inspiration from this versatile term, the logo of "CHEW LIFE LAB." (橋日子, literally translates to Bridge Days) features stacked building blocks to symbolize the concept.
With an italic logotype, the brand conveys a humorous and unrestrained tone. Departing from typical cold café spaces, "CHEW LIFE LAB." embraces warm white tones, accentuated by shades of dark blue, dark orange, and gold, creating an inviting and friendly ambiance. For the past 8 years, "CHEW LIFE LAB." has been a staple in Hsinchu.
The founder Ryan's vision was to establish a brunch spot that serves as a sanctuary for the busy souls of the city, offering unlimited time and no service charge. Regardless of background, people gather at "CHEW LIFE LAB." to relax and find connections, embracing the spirit of "橋" in their lives.
Nowhere to hide? Come to Chew. Snack or meal? Come to Chew. Life is blue? Come to Chew.
Client | CHEW LIFE LAB. 橋日子
Production | Grandvity Design
Art Director | Noodlemaker
Account Director | Grape Chiu
Executive Director | Sarah Peng
Project Manager | Jenny Lee
Designer Director | Si Jia Sun
Logotype Designer | Jasmine Lin
Visual System Designer | Jasmine Lin