BIM( Building Information Modeling )是利用系統整合建築模型,收集設計、施工、維護與拆除的各項資訊,協助業主、技師與工程人員間溝通與除錯的重要服務。
LYZTW 萊茲特資訊科技是由一群年輕又熱血的 BIM 工程師所創立,並於 2024 年進行品牌重塑,希望藉由商標的意象上,能讓一般大眾更容易了解 BIM 的意義。
物以類聚榮幸能與萊茲特學習 BIM 的基礎知識,並將其解析出「溝通」、「資訊」與「層級」等關鍵,設計出「L」的資訊對話框作為商標,延伸建築鳥瞰視覺至品牌字體、意象與延伸物,利用 3D、動畫與精算稿,讓設計與資訊在品牌中結合,碰撞出 LYZTW X BIM 的全新品牌面貌。
BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a digital tool for building design, construction, and management that integrates information across all phases through 3D models, improving communication and efficiency while cutting costs and time. LYZTW, founded by passionate BIM engineers, rebranded in 2024 to make BIM more accessible to the public.
Grandvity Design had the privilege of learning BIM's core concepts, such as “communication,” “information,” and “layers,” from LYZTW. We designed the logo’s “L” as an information dialogue box, incorporating architectural elements into typography and visuals. Using 3D, animation, and precise sketches, we crafted a fresh brand identity for LYZTW X BIM.
Client | 萊茲特資訊科技有限公司 LYZTW Inc.
Production | 物以類聚視覺整合 Grandvity Design
Creative Director | Noodle Wang
Administrative Director | Grape Chiu
Project Director | Sarah Peng
Design Director | Si Jia Sun
Project Manager | Sarah Peng / Zoe Liu
Logotype Designer | Noodle Wang / Si Jia Sun
Visual System Designer | Hugo Tseng
Profolio Designer | Hugo Tseng