TPK 宸鴻集團與矽谷新創公司 CARBON Inc 策略合作成立 AMPLIFI 宸大科技,致力於增材 3D 列印科技,突破既往「小量客製化」侷限,轉型為「可量化」工業,結合雲端線上系統資源整合,邁入數位製造技術的時代。
物以類聚團隊為宸大科技執行品牌重塑計畫,擺脫傳統工業形象,以輕盈的配色翻轉視覺調性,並將商標著重於增材製造的「放大」概念,運用字母「A」的三角形塑出 3D 結構的平衡與穩固,應用於企業裝潢與商務周邊延伸物,讓品牌視覺年輕化,朝向永續的未來與創意的探索,將不可能化為可能。
AMPLIFI TECHNOLOGIES (宸大科技), established by TPK Holding Co., Ltd. and Silicon Valley startup CARBON Inc., aims to advance additive 3D printing technology. This collaboration breaks free from traditional "small-scale customization," emphasizing "quantifiable" industrial applications and integrating cloud-based resources for digital manufacturing.
Grandvity Design rebranded AMPLIFI, incorporating a vibrant color palette to reshape the visual tone. The logo highlights "amplifying" additive manufacturing, featuring the letter "A" in a triangular form for a balanced 3D structure. This visual identity extends to corporate spaces and applications, giving the brand a youthful and creative look, aligning with a trajectory towards a sustainable future, and transforming impossibilities into possibilities.
Client | AMPLIFI 英屬開曼群島商宸大科技股份有限公司台灣分公司
Production | 物以類聚視覺整合 Grandvity Design
Creative Director|Noodlemaker
Administrative Director|Grape Chiu
Project Director|Sarah Peng
Design Director|Si Jia Sun
Logo Designer | Noodle Wang
Designer | Jason Lee
Motion Design | Si Jia Sun / Show Yen