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有澤五金 Uzick

有澤五金 Uzick | Branding


標準字及 Pattern 使用扳手及榔頭的形狀強調工具感,灰色、藍色為主色,搭配橘色點綴,呈現工具正在焊接時產生的火花,像是爸爸在地下室修繕家具的背影強悍而溫柔,默默維護著這個家。


Hardware plays a small but vital role in our lives. Good tools are like extensions of hands, making repairs more effective.

Uzick Hardware upholds this philosophy to provide you with practical, high-quality, selective tools and daily supplies. The logotype and pattern incorporate the shape of a wrench and a hammer to emphasize the tool’s handiness.
We’ve chosen gray and blue as the primary colors, and orange accents to imitate welding sparks. Like a father repairing furniture in the basement, strong and gentle, Uzick quietly maintains this home. 


Client | UZICK 有澤五金
Production | Grandvity Design ​

Art Director | Noodlemaker
Project Manager | Sarah Peng / Grape Chiu​
Designer Director | Si Jia Sun
Logotype Designer | Noodle Wang / Tai Jiang Lin
Visual System Designer | Jasmine Lin
Portfolio Designer | Claire Jen
Font | Arphic Fonts 文鼎字型 

有澤五金 Uzick