Hardwired 是純手工打造的銀飾品牌,以紳士美學作為設計主軸,導入生活風格至衣著品味。正式場合 優雅、穩重,日常休閒 體面、俐落。穿搭態度信手捻來。
Hardwired 的識別系統也是物以類聚第一個完整的品牌作品,更榮幸在 2020 荷蘭 Indigo Design Award 獲得品牌類金獎的殊榮,從標誌、印刷、包裝到攝影企劃,將品牌概念延續到視覺設計上。標誌以鹿頭和桂冠的組合,隱意著「來自鹿港的榮耀」,再以黑、金色的滿版 Pattern,延伸至名片、信封、飾品盒、內襯紙 ...等製作物,由外而內體現出低調奢華的紳士美學。
Hardwired 從 2017 年創辦至今,以別具匠心的金屬工藝為底蘊,打造多元流行的獨特飾品,並於 2022 年發表品牌年度概念展「掘起」,持續挖掘無限的可能性,讓 Hardwired 精神持續發光發熱。
Hardwired is a handcrafted silver jewelry brand with a focus on gentleman aesthetics. Its designs incorporate lifestyle into a personal style, offering elegance for formal occasions and a refined look for everyday wear.
The brand's identity system, including logo, print materials, packaging, and photography, has received recognition, winning the Gold in the Brand category of the 2020 Indigo Design Award. By combining deer head and laurel wreath, the logo represents the "Lukang Pride” and is accompanied by a black and gold pattern that showcases understated luxury.
Since its establishment in 2017, Hardwired has crafted unique accessories using innovative metal craftsmanship. The brand continues to explore possibilities and radiate its spirit through annual conceptual exhibitions, with a commitment to excellence.
Client | Hardwired
Designer | Noodlemaker
Exhibition Designer | Bochen
Photography | HOW CHAN Photography / Chun Teng Lin
Portfolio Designer | Si Jia Sun