由藝術家 Josh Lin 夫妻於共同創辦的 MRKT5,是將刺青、保養、時尚、食品與藝術等生活風格,以五感體驗為概念融入生活風格的品牌,並提供展覽、藝術品、品牌聯名等專為藝術家媒合的整合服務。2023 年將品牌概念翻新,與類聚團隊合作,打造全新品牌識別系統,物以類聚很榮幸能被賦予重責大任!
團隊執行項目包含 Logo、標準字、周邊延伸物與視覺調性的品牌更新,將感官的五感作為連結,將舊標誌精算優化,並在色系、材質應用與字型中擴大規範,為視覺注入新的靈魂,在應用中結合時尚、藝術、生活等元素,將周邊延伸物融合在一起,讓未來的視覺應用能更有彈性的表現品味與藝術。
Founded by artist couple Josh Lin and Wendy, MRKT5 is a lifestyle brand that integrates tattoo, skincare, fashion, food, and art into the experience of the five senses. MRKT5 provides various platforms for exhibitions, artworks, and artist-brand collaborations. In 2023, the brand underwent a conceptual renewal and collaborated with Grandvity Design to create a new visual system.
We strengthened MRKT5’s core concept of the five senses, optimized the existing logo, and increased brand colors and textures. This transformation has made the brand more versatile, harmoniously blending fashion, art, and lifestyle elements.
Client | MRKT 5
Production | 物以類聚視覺整合 Grandvity Design
Creative Director|Noodlemaker
Administrative Director|Grape Chiu
Project Director|Sarah Peng
Design Director|Si Jia Sun
Logotype Designer | Noodle Wang
Visual System Designer | Patricia Ho
Portfolio Designer | Hugo Tseng
Font|Arphic Font 文鼎字型